Gaia Grid is a social experiment. It was started in 2016 by multi-disciplinary artist Harsh Valechha, with the aim of building a food forest from scratch, with the help of a community of people from the world over. The entire project was crowdfunded and continues to be so.

The goal was simple - can one person, from a financial consulting background, leave his conventional job, and no farming background, become completely self sufficient in terms of food, water, shelter, electricity simply by living it out on the land, learning in the process about life alone on a hill, in a foreign land, where he didn’t speak the language, and didn’t know the flora and fauna, and thrive?

8 years ago, this seemed like a distant dream. Now it is a reality. And over these years, hundreds of people have found peace on this land, getting their hands full of soil, and their minds empty.

It has gone from barren land into a thriving food forest which is constantly morphing and changing and evolving.

Now, only select people are hosted every year, and more focus is on long term volunteering as part of the Tapasya. The work now is largely internal; external farm work is merely for keeping the muscles agile.

Over these years, hundreds of native plants have been planted and food aspect of the farm is ever-evolving. Volunteers stay in a shared dormitory which also doubles as an energy amplifier. Toilets are basic, food is vegetarian, and prepared together. Volunteers help with all farm work, including cooking, cleaning, weeding, mulching, watering etc.

The experience allows people to live in an extremely down to earth, mindful way, and doesn’t intend to offer luxury, or comfort. Often, it gets mentally difficult for volunteers to live so exposed to the elements. If elements don’t get to them, usually the aloneness does. But to counter that, there is pristine nature, wholesome conversations and honest work.

Please sign up only if you have willingness on your mind and openness in your heart.

Needless to say, volunteers are requested to only use biodegradable toiletries while here, abstain from bringing plastic, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs inside the land and respect the local village as their own. Please carry clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty, mosquito repellent, something warm for the nights, a sleeping bag, a mosquito net and a flashlight.

Do reach out if you have additional questions, and I’ll be happy to chat about them.

This is not a coincidence. <3

PS - For visits, volunteer/guest pricing, scholarships and internships please reach out to us at

about / volunteer

Gaia Grid was built entirely by volunteers. Come, dig?

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree